Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sub Tub

My husband plays baseball with the Pittsburgh Pirates organization and is gone playing baseball from March through September each year. This season he is playing in Altoona, PA. I am headed that way for a short visit at the end of this week and you know what that means…sub plans! Sub plans and I have not been the best of friends over the years. I have gotten better over time, but sub plans still cause me some stress. I just want things to go as smoothly as possible for the kiddos and the substitute while I am away.

For those times when I have to be away from my class I find it much easier to organize lesson plans and materials in a Sub Tub. I’m sure I saw this idea somewhere and I am not trying to take credit for it. Just wanted to pass along the idea because it works wonderfully for me!

I have a folder for each day that I will be gone. There are additional folders with notes that need to go home and general information for the substitute. I can even fit in the snacks so that everything is in one place. 


Alex said...

This is super cute! I took this entire week off to fly home for a funeral (not nearly as exciting as your plans), and while I had sub plans ready and have a sub binder, the sub tub is just too cute! I may have to create one when I get back! Thanks for sharing!


Ms. J said...

Love this!! Thanks for sharing!!


Anonymous said...

Boy did you post bring back memories!! My husband was with the Pirates in the late 90's (seems like yesterday though) and he too played part of a season in Altoona. Teaching is the perfect profession when when you are a "baseball wife". Good luck to you in your classroom and your husband in his quest to the big leagues.

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